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About "Us"

So, "us" is primarily one man... me (Caleb). But I usually say "we" or "us" because I have a few close friends who help me (a ton) in a variety of ways with the business. I've been milling logs since 2014. I started out as a woodworker and when my wife and I bought some land with timber, I invested in a Norwood sawmill and began milling logs for my own use. Things grew from there and eventually I sold the Norwood and purchased a Wood-Mizer portable, fully-hydraulic mill. Milling isn't a full-time operation for me. I'm blessed by the Lord to have a job I love and a side-business that I also love.

What We Hope To Be

My vision for this business isn't fancy. I enjoy helping people, I love working with wood, and I enjoy running a business. I hope that Heartland Sawmill allows me to do all three to the best of my ability. I also love taking a log (sometimes a very ugly log) and processing it into something useful and often beautiful. I'm not looking to get rich, but my time, labor, and equipment have a cost associated with them that I try to recoop. I'd be thrilled if the business grew to the point that I could hire a few guys to help, but at this point in life, my family is my top priority and the business has had to take a backseat.

See Us In Action